Free-From Podcast
Know the phrase: You are what you eat? Our bodies need ‘the good stuff,’ but healthy has a different definition for every body. Free-From Podcast explores how Food is Medicine for different bodies and how we can all benefit from knowing more about our food.
Podcasting since 2022 • 22 episodes
Free-From Podcast
Latest Episodes
Sugar, School Lunch, and the Farm Bill
The National School Lunch Program, administered by the USDA, sets nutritional rules and regulations that participating schools across the nation have to follow. You could say the overall goal is to make meals healthier for students, but is this...
Season 3
Episode 7

Fighting Food Apartheid: The Prospect KC
The Prospect KC is a ground-breaking nonprofit founded by Chef Shanita McAfee-Bryant to fight food apartheid - a racist and oppressive system that creates inequitable food systems - by providing nutrition education and culinary job training.
Season 3
Episode 6

Studies Improving Students' Health
As adults, it can be hard for us to find the time, energy, or motivation to start a new habit, even one that ultimately will make us feel better and perhaps even regain that energy we lack. When starting your own research into healthy eating an...
Season 3
Episode 5

Gardening Tips: Indoor and Out
How about those vertical (plant) children?We know we should eat more veggies, but sometimes it is hard to actually put them on our plates. One approach to making vegetables more accessible is to grow them ourselves, which is easier said...
Season 3
Episode 4

A Healthy Bus System for a Healthy City
Habits that drive us...Americans are addicted to our cars. However, for a variety of reasons, not everyone is able to access this resource, and for a society built by the car for the car, it makes it difficult to access important resour...
Season 3
Episode 3